
2023-12-29 09:04 来源:蝴蝶网名网 点击:




I wish you all the best wishes. Separation will only melt into friendship, and the reunion will be brighter tomorrow.


I hope you will have a smooth and successful career in the future.


Leaving the shadow of the meeting, taking the budding Acacia herb, only the green post road carries the thoughts of parting.


May the blessing linger around you, in your colorful journey of life, in the dream that you are always on the border with spring. I wish you all the best! Happy!


Goodbye tomorrow morning, I hope clouds and sunshine will accompany you to the far end of the world; flowers and green grass will follow you to spread the far future.


When parting opens the curtain, when memories sleep in front of the chest, to say goodbye is really sad, only the dream is still sweet.


Rain and dew moisten the seedlings. You are the rain and dew in my heart forever. I will always thank you and respect you.


The rush of water and the rush of time keep friendship alive. Goodbye, friend! Friends, treasure!


Although the bridge has not engraved your names, it has left your hard footprints. I wish you every success in your future career.


The road of life is long and meets and separates. Gathering is always short, but it is long. I wish each other's hearts could be closely separated and never separated.


Lost time to separate us, please leave my affection in your heart. I will always greet you when the clouds drift towards the twilight.


No matter how long the future lasts, please cherish every moment together; no matter how many spring, summer, autumn and winter, we are forever friends.


No matter the ends of the earth, only wish you can remember me, let my missing have a harbor!


There is always melancholy in the way of life. There are always friends in the ends of the earth. Seize the opportunity, cherish the fate, and wish our friendship forever.


Life is long, and you and I meet each other again. Gathering is always short, but it is long, but I wish each other's hearts can be closely followed.


Before the rain, the frost was like old Fangfei. Who is the same drunk? Last year we spent the next year.


Distance does not mean separation. No matter how far away it is, the heart of your heart will never change. On the journey of life, I will always be your friend.


Farewell must be a little hard, because any more look, may become the last eye, say more, may be the last sentence.


Fate lets us know each other, and life separates us, like the moon and the stars, far away and forever together.


The sea of life has been spreading the Golden Road, and the waves are being lined with flowers on the sides. Go on bravely, friend! Forward.


The moon is dim, the birds are dim, I quietly send you on a long journey, from then on there is a tearful star, always looking at your distant back.


If you go all the way, you must sail with the wind, the future will be smooth, the wind and water will be sent, and the sail will be lifted up.


Time flies, time is easy to throw people away, you are concerned about my thousands of blessings with you, along the way.


You go, in that long time, my heart is like an autumn tree, leaves drift helplessly to the ground, only hanging loneliness on the branches.


Farewell, my friend! Friends, treasure! The rush of water and the rush of time keep the heart alone.


Wave goodbye, sail, sail, can't leave, is that friendship cable you threw, invisibly firmly tied to my heart.


Tears of parting add new spray to the long river of memory; blessings of parting open the prelude for reunion again.


Let's hold hands tightly and let our feelings feel gently in our hands and share an unforgettable warmth.


Come on, here's a bright future. Come here, smiling face. Those who dare to open up are willing to give life for creation.


Thousands of words just want to tell you that we will always be friends, mountains and rivers can only block my sight, but can not block the progress of my heart.